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Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Mo Ghile Mear

  There wasn't much going on. There almost never is or was, for that fact, anything going on. My current location is just one of those sites on this earth that he dread returning to. Escape is a luxury.
  And so here I sit, craving a hot cup of tea, the dog sleeping in my bed and reading up on some random Japanese Sengoku Period Daimyō for some strange reason. The mind makes strange leaps, yes it does. Oh yes, I cannot forget to mention, listening to Irish music as well. Lovely stuff.
  So, what is the reason for this piece of text? What has been the inspiration for this body of writing? Can't really say. In fact, I'm not quite sure of whom I'm writing about. Guess I'm writing this all about a smile. Damn that smile. I know very little of what goes on behind it though, and therein lies the problem. But that is the nature of crushes, ain't it? Nein, nein, nein! That is the nature of all relationships. You can look at your friends as your mirror images; perfectly reflecting you and you reflecting them. It's a vicious cycle, and you then think you know each other quite well. But people are always surprised by the amount of people who they trust that end up stabbing them several times in the back.
  Relationships, by their nature, relies on trust, and more importantly, on an active involvement from both parties, whether friends, or intimate partners. Someone pushes, you get pushed; simple really. But it is in that simplicity that allows space for things to become, well, complicated and unpredictable. Friendship is a rather fragile and resilient thing. It is both of those things, a dualism. And that's what's so complicated, the dualisms. By being in a relationship, you create the environment to strengthen it and ruin it at the same time. For example, you can only cheat on your partner if you have a partner, but when you're single that cannot occur. For every decision we make, we must sacrifice and accept its consequences and responsibilities and alternatives.
  So, what am I really writing about here? A girl I assume. Honestly, some things about myself I've actually hidden away from myself. But, as always, damn that smile.

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